
Spread The Love…..

I attended mass this past weekend without the kids for what I didn’t realize would be the last mass I could attend for several weeks. The Father(priest) we had this weekend covering for our usual Father who was out of town. This Father was also there to tell us about a great organization called Cross Catholic Outreach which is a great organization that helps those in need throughout the world with food, medicine and other resources! Check it out if you’ve got time.

The main part of his sermon that has stuck with me since Saturday is to “spread the love!” He spoke on lent and how many give up things like sweets and video games, but he suggested along with this we must use this time to reflect within and at how we can spread the love to the world. The sacrifice we make for lent is supposed to be a reminder to us each of the sacrifices Jesus went through for us at this time! Why did Jesus sacrifice for us? Because of his love for us! This I feel was the Fathers point in reminding us to spread the love!

As each day passes I keep hearing of the insanity going on and everyone hoarding toilet paper and other supplies, store shelves are empty in so many areas it’s sad! I know that we all want to stock up for fear we can’t leave our homes but some of these items there is no way we’d use them in 2-3 weeks! Which is unfortunate that we’ve hoarded these items that may go spoiled when others could use them now. The one that gets me is people buying all the items labeled WIC because some people rely on those items and now can’t get them and will lose those certificates. If you see a square with a W in black on it by the price on shelves or the WIC orange stickers and can get an alternate please do so.

Okay, so somewhat sidetracked there! Not really as that was relevant as well! I implore everyone as we navigate these crazy times to please SPREAD THE LOVE!!!! Only take what you need to handle the next two to three weeks and watch out for those who can’t afford to substitute it to more expensive choices! While we aren’t supposed to be physically together we can still spread the love in other ways and share tips to make it through this challenging time! If you are a praying person now is definitely a time to do that as well! We will get through this chapter and hopefully come out stronger!

photo by: Steve Halama on Unsplash

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