So sitting here eating breakfast my 7yo just asked if “I’m feeling pressure being a mommy during this corona virus thing?” I giggled and was like what do you mean honey?
She said she wasn’t sure there was any pressure since we are just stuck staying at home all day. I asked what about pressure to keep the house clean and then fed? My oldest said well the house being clean doesn’t matter as long as we are safe. To which both the girls agreed. This question sure made me giggle though! Made me think maybe I’m holding myself together better then I feel like sometimes. So good to know the kids don’t fee my stress and anxiety like I do.
My 7yo said “oh I guess there is pressure in the house still, but not as much as when this started weeks ago!” She’s right having kept them home and safe has relieved some of the pressure. However, we’ve still needed groceries and I’ve needed supplies for mask making. So every time I go to the store for supplies I feel intense pressure and anxiety like I’ve never had before because I don’t want to pick up germs while I’m out and bring them home to my kids!!!
Georgia is supposed to be opening more businesses within the next week and people are so excited BUT me I’m like “nope to soon!” There are still so many sick and clinics over run with patients due to the virus I can’t imagine it’s time to open things up.
I know those who need the jobs and money need things to start opening, but I feel like our lives matter too! So many companies are helping people out in this crisis that our health should be top priority still!!! I’m afraid instead of numbers of cases going down anytime soon it’s gonna spike again. Only time will tell. In the meantime I’m still planning to keep us home as much as possible still. Stay safe everyone!!!!