Let me start by saying I know not everyone’s story is the same and everyone has different levels of healthiness. Not to mention each of our bodies will respond differently to this virus, so no two stories will be alike at all!!!! I just felt it may help someone out if I told our families story of how the virus affected my family.
So we all know that currently going literally anywhere puts us at risk of coming into contact with the Covid 19 virus. I had kept my kids home 24/7 from the day we were told it’s the safest thing to do. Myself, I only went to the store if I had to attempt to pick up our WIC items, otherwise I did grocery pick up. Thankfully, that was all I had to get out for. The kids dad on the other hand, well, he’s essential so he had to start going to work eventually and once he did it put us all at risk. What put us at higher risk was the people he worked with NOT following the rules and going to bars in areas that were considered off limits to them because of the high number of cases. Which means they brought back the virus to his group of people and just like that 2 people who didn’t listen infected 15 people within the office and an unknown amount of their family members.
Which leads me to how it affected our household. The kids dad felt like he had a massive sinus infection Saturday morning the week the virus entered our house. Stuffy nose, headache and just minor cold symptoms that he normally gets with a sinus infection. He thought nothing of it because his allergies were acting up and he’d just done lots of yard work which can make that happen too. Well, Sunday he got a call he was to quarantine as a couple people got positive tests in his office and until all could be tested no one could go to work. He had to wait until Tuesday to get tested and at this point our oldest child who was 12 spiked fever.
We watched her temperature and when he got tested it came back positive. So at this point he’s already feeling 100% better, never got a fever and the symptoms were honestly done the day he was tested. Our daughter on the other hand still had a fever. The fever lasted about 2 and a half days. On day 3 she broke her fever, it had gotten to 102 at times, but the physician said keep her on Tylenol and if any other symptoms happen call him. So we watched her and after the fever went down she started having muscle aches and mild chest pain. Again the physician said just keep an eye on her and if anything gets severe then call as they would give us the protocol to be seen. With her dad being positive they didn’t want us going anywhere until we could test her. Her test got scheduled for Saturday morning about 4 or 5 days from start of symptoms. By test day my sweet girl was back to normal, with mild tiredness, but otherwise feeling herself again.
Her test was back to us the next morning and it was positive just like her dad, so she had to keep quarantined and separated from the rest of us for 10 more days to be safe. They tested me as well and my test thankfully came back negative. I was told mine could be false negative but since I never got symptoms of any kind likely I somehow didn’t catch the virus. My other two kids also never got symptoms and we didn’t test them since they were reserving tests for those who had symptoms.
Thankfully, for our little family only 2 out of 5 of us actually showed any covid virus symptoms. I don’t think that 100% means we didn’t get it, but its possible. It’s also possible that myself and the other two kids when we were sick last fall had it then, before they heard of the virus here. That’s a whole other story though. I just wanted to share that for us and our family somehow not all of us were affected by the virus and the 2 that had been were recovered within a few days of the start of symptoms.
I pray that this is how most stories will go, but I do know that it isn’t going to always be the case. People are still going through virus scares and issues revolving around the virus unfortunately. I pray daily that we see an end to this virus and will continue to pray for all those affected. It’s a scary time right now and I’ve seen prayer work, so that’s one thing I plan to continue to do always. Whatever your believes are it’s okay do what works for you, but lets all try to remember to be kind as that’s universal!!!!